#2020Challenge on Instagram @RunEatRepeat

Hello! jak se máš? have you seen the #2020Challenge on Instagram? I saw a few incredibly cute celebs sharing theirs and made one for me and Diego. let me know if you did one too so I can check it out. Be sure to follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram to connect and chat!

#2020challenge Instagram @RunEatRepeat

Diego’s #2020Challenge on Instagram – He’s @DiegoRedvera

Confession for the week:

I ran 10 miles yesterday and 5.24 miles today. but I haven’t been doing the daily videos because I got out of the routine when I was quarantined last month. major fail. or not – I think the consensus is you like blog articles or podcasts over video, right?

I think I’m addicted to podcasts. I have my ear buds in in any way times and unless it’s a situation where it’s disrespectful to have them in (just when I’m having a meal with my fam) – I’m listening to a podcast. Oh… it doesn’t sound that bad? If I’m listening to something while driving – I put my earbuds in before getting out of the car so I don’t have to so much suffer the seconds it takes to walk into a store or into my home without listening to something.

I just remembered someone pointed out to me that I might have a rib out of place YEARS AGO. I’m anxious my hypochondria levels are incredibly low and I must see a doctor about it. I must probably also see a chiropractor about my potentially broken RIB!!! send help.

I woke up at 3:30 am this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. That hasn’t happened to me in a long time. My eyes feel dry from not being closed long enough. Does that happen to any individual else??

I’m incredibly behind on email… again. I already declared email Bankruptcy! I don’t think I can do it again.

I have a pile of things I need to return to various stores. I must NOT buy anything new until I return these items – but I know I won’t stick to it.

There’s a noodle place near here called Noodology which I’m pretty sure is pronounced – Nude-ology. They must confess that, but I’m doing it on their behalf.

Do you have anything to confess? Dej mi vědět!
And while this is all in fun, I genuinely hope you’re doing as well as can be expected. sending delighted healthy vibes.

xoxo Monica

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Confession… Quarantine Edition 

7 secrets to Run Your best virtual Race part 1

Never have I ever game for Runners round 2

10 best Pics from the Boston Marathon Weekend

@RunEatRepeat on Instagram 

Pošlete mi sešit


Sdílení se stará!







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