The best of the natural products Expo Influencer favorites and healthy Food BINGO

Hello! Přírodní produkty Expo (aka #ExPowest na sociálních médiích) byl tento víkend v Anaheimu v Kalifornii. It’s a huge conference with education sessions, workshops and exhibits of all the best and newest eco-friendly, healthy and natural products and efforts up and coming. There are info sessions, fantastic speakers and the most massive set up of products and sample booths I’ve ever seen. It’s fantastic and exciting to see all the new and improved food, home and appeal products that we’ll be able to take pleasure in soon (if they’re not already out).

And follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for a fun Expo West inspired Bingo game!
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I first went years ago as a guest with a cereal company I was working with. I think I nearly dislocated my carry with the epic sample bags I brought home that year!  I’m lucky to live in southern California and have been able to attend lots of times. and considering that I’ve attended before I wanted to share my favorites from this year – and mention some new to me items. I saw a lot of health food products I’ve recently seen in stores. So a lot of these foods are either in stores now or coming soon.

This list is a mash-up of my favorites and random thoughts on the show… Enjoy!

Natural products Expo West Highlights and Notes

1. I love ketchup… lately I’m into spicy ketchup so I really liked this curry ketchup!

Related: I recently pointed out my favorite hair products in this post. Well… the shampoo & conditioner I’ve been using has ginger and a certain man in my life gave me a hug the other day and said I smell like curry. I think he confused it for ginger but I feel self-conscious about it now… I might have to switch up my shampoo & conditioner.

2. speaking of Ginger!!! I love all things ginger – and not just because of my hair. It’s great for your stomach and great for running fuel.

3. Dis mah Bai

4. I like that these smoothie packs come with a cup you can pour it into after you make it.

5. just Dessert! often I just want dessert.

6. The expo highlights a lot of vegan, paleo, allergen complimentary food items. So there really is something for everyone.

And every representative I spoke to was really well informed on the products and common worries of people trying  to avoid certain foods or add in a lot more of certain nutrients.

This pasta had meat in the sauce and the person handing out samples made sure to fine it with everyone as he handed it to them.

More ginger!

7. loved all the ice cream options at the natural products Expo! They had organic, paleo, vegan ice cream and more. I even identified the Talenti mint n chip gelato that I’ve been wanted to try for the longest time. They have a new layered gelato coming out but I really wanted my fave flavor. actually you could buy a scoop of whatever flavor you wanted to free. Amazing, right?

8. Did you know popcorn is one of my favorite foods?

Now you do.

And I really loved the fresh popcorn at the Watkins booth and all the toppings you could sprinkle on! 

My other favorite popcorn companies were at the expo too – flourish Chica Pop, lesser Evil, skinny Pop, good health and more! I really love popcorn.

9. I thought I’ve tried every kind of nut butter and every nut butter product out there so I nearly passed ideal by the Justin’s booth. but someone caught my attention and asked if I tried the cashew butter covered cashews and almond butter covered almonds… incredibly good!

10. I identified these Bob’s Red Mill granola / protein bars at Sprouts recently. They just came out in January and I was delighted to test em out.

11. cold brew coffee – love.

12. I used to be the greatest fan of Kashi cereal in college. My mommy said Kashi was the secret to her weight loss – it’s probably slightly a lot more involved than that but Kashi was one of the big things we both switched up as we tried to get healthier. A lot of the Kashi cereals have a lot of fiber and protein compared to other cereal options.

So I’m always curious and interested in their new products. The Kashi kids Honey Cinnamon combos was really good.

13. Granola is my weakness. and this new bear naked granola is amazing! I tried the dark chocolate hazelnut butter – it tastes like and has the consistency of a crumbled cookie.

14. one of my main focuses at the show was exploring new drinks – kombucha, enhanced water, energy drinks, probiotics in drinks, cbd oil drinks, tea based drinks, sparkling water…. I’m a big drinker.

So I was delighted to see so lots of runner friendly drink options like coconut water based beverages and this Runa drink.

I did an instagram story of my happiness at seeing a fridge full of La Croix sparkling water. Sooooo good!!

15. special mysteryKřičte na tuto veganskou tuňákovou taveninu. Bylo to tak dobré, že jsem zapomněl pořídit obrázek stánku, kde jsem ho dostal! Busted, protože to bylo opravdu dobré.

16. Applegate Farms obecně dodával oběd – rozdávaly turecké hamburgery a klobásy sendviče. Mají nový produkt hamburger, který je krůtí a houbový hamburger. Miluji obě tyto věci, takže jsem za to nadšený!

Celkově je těžké vybrat jednoho oblíbeného. Přál bych si, abych měl mnohem více času na prozkoumání přitažlivých produktů – to je něco, co se chci zlepšit ve svém vlastním životě.

Moje nejoblíbenější věc na pořadu je, jak se zdá být tak inkluzivní. Jsme tak odlišní a naše těla a potřeby jsou tak odlišná – ale doufejme, že pro každého je něco! Pokud máte zvláštní stravovací nebo zdravotní obavy, je prostě velmi úžasné, že si každý může potěšit veškerý domov, přitažlivost a jídlo!

Pro jídlo … Nemohu si vybrat jen jednu věc. Ale budu dávat pozor na několik potravin s dalšími výhodami, jako jsou nápoje nebo potraviny s dalšími vitamíny a živinami.

Protože si nemůžu vybrat vítěze – můžete si prohlédnout vítěze ceny Nexty zde. To je seznam nejlepších v každé kategorii.

Jo a já musím poděkovat týmu Natural Products za pojmenování Run Eat Opakujte jeden z nejlepších vlivů, který si můžete užít na show! Existují fantastickí bloggerů, YouTubers, podcasters a Instagrammers z celé USA, kteří se účastní obrovských následování, takže je to vážně čest.

A všechny tyto nové a vzrušující produkty mě přiměly přemýšlet o všech možnostech tam! Takže jsem vytvořil tuto hru zdravých potravin bingo. ‘

Jak jste z nich vyzkoušeli? všichni? jen chybí jeden ??

Sledujte @RuneatrePeat na Instagramu a zazvění s tím, jak spousta těchto zdravých potravin jste jedli !!

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