Running on Marco Island Florida 2021

hi from Florida!! No, you don’t requirement to revitalize this page – this isn’t a publish from 2016. however yes, it is extremely much like 2016 since I went to Marco Island, FL with Ben. It’s his family’s annual trip as well as because I’ve been caged up for over a year I jumped at the possibility to get out of California for a week now that I’m vaccinated as well as the world is slowly opening. (Ben’s my ex as well as I utilized to find each year with him. He’s just recently been working in CA as well as invited me since I’m fun and/or he understood I needed to get out of the home for my mental health.)

It was wild. I went into a Walmart without a mask as well as felt like a guideline breaker.

I keep in mind the day the governor of California revealed the ‘Safer-At-Home’ purchase in March 2020. I didn’t have a house because I offered my condo in December as well as was staying at an AirBB. (We’ll talk much more about this in the next post.)

My point is = I’ve been using a mask, socially distancing, haven’t seen buddies or went to a restaurant, essentially have only left my house to run tasks for over a year so I jumped at the possibility to do something, anything znovu!

So last week I went to Marco Island, FL as well as even though it was much more damp than my armpits on a long run in July – something about feeling like the pandy is concerning an end made me feel like myself again. I ran! Jedl jsem! I took photos of my food! Run eat Repeat was back as well as I it wasn’t up until then that I realized exactly how lost it was in the very first place.

But instead of dwelling on that, we’re moving forward!

Step 1 – recap my lil trip with some highlights as well as suggestions for running on Marco Island. (Step 2 is marathon training. step 3 is make jokes.)

Running suggestions & Highlights from Marco Island, FL

Since I’ve been to Marco Island, FL numerous times I kept in mind my preferred running routes. It was truly good to inspect ’em out again. many things are just like I remembered. It was a bit quieter than before, however that’s most likely since of the pandemic.

Running on Marco Island is fantastic since it’s flat, risk-free as well as there are a great deal of sidewalks as well as fantastic views. If you’re going to as well as staying on the primary street of the island (there’s a bridge to the island that turns into the street with the most significant hotels as well as resorts) you can run best along the walkway in either direction for a few miles.

Or you can run a loop around the island that’s about 7 miles. It’s not around the island as in you’re on the beach as well as recognize you’re running the perimeter of the island. I imply there’s a few huge streets that produce a loop.

Where to Run on Marco Island, FL

You can run up as well as down the most significant street on the island where a great deal of the resorts as well as hotels are as well as just go out as well as back to run as far as you want. This makes it very simple if you’re a anxious runner as well as get lost easy. Or you can run on the sand (I avoid this since I dislike sand in my shoes) or run a loop on the island.

Here’s the loop you can run around the island on a map. It’s about 7.5 miles (you can make it a shorter run by making a smaller loop). There are sidewalks the entire time as well as you run over a few bridges with quite views (especially in the early morning when it’s peaceful as well as peaceful).

I made this lil running map as well as didn’t have time to make rounded lines, however you get the idea. as well as note you can make the run shorter by turning on San Marco Rd.

I stopped to snap a few pics since it was so pretty. I like running by the water. any type of water. even a water bottle.

Dobře. now let’s talk about the other highlights…

Marco Island travel Highlights

1. I discovered a lot of sand dollars on the beach as well as was so thrilled as well as surprised. I’m a SoCal woman born as well as increased however never discovered a one here. (Note – it’s unlawful to gather online sand dollars. as well as guidelines vary depending upon place for collecting angel ones.)

2. Gulf of Mexico sunsets are everything.

3. buying WITHOUT A MASK was wild. I’ve used one each time I left the home because last March. Where I online in California everyone’s been extremely compliant with mask guidelines (I understand your experience may be different).

Walking into a store without a mask made me thrilled to get back to whatever new typical is ahead. [Ben & I are vaccinated. He got J&J. I got a 2 shot one.]

Oh, as well as I recognize I don’t match whatsoever in this photo since I did the worst task of packing for this trip. It was a last minute thing as well as I figured I’d just shop when I was there. however that implied I had to shop in a random mismatched outfit. I’m pleased the women in the elegant stores didn’t kick me out (or kick Ben out when he saw the cost labEl pro tričko a také řečeno 180 $ ?? !!! metoda také hlasitá). Ha!

Poté jsme odešli poměrně rychle, protože jsem si jen přál rozkošný odpovídající oblečení, ne utrácet veškerý můj špinavý ekologický papír na jednom vrcholu, za 2 minuty budu mít odbarvení.

4 Pořídil jsem několik fotek z indikací, které nám připomínají masky a sociální distancování pro vzpomínky. Kdybyste mi řekli, že k tomu dojde, nevěřil bych ti.

Ach, stejně jako nikdo neplatil úrok na náznaky, protože jste na Floridě nemuseli nosit masky (věřím, že bylo opravdu nezákonné nosit masku).

5. Meloun je v sezóně !! Udělal jsem velmi rychlou verzi mého přesně toho, jak snížit video melounu pro Instagramové cívky. Zkontrolujte to na Instagramu @RuneatrePeat a vyzkoušejte to. Je to moje preferovaná oblíbená věc.

6. Byli jsme na ostrově Marco, FL – který je na západní straně státu, takže toto je Mexický záliv. Je to překrásné. Písek je měkký, voda je teplá a není příliš přeplněná. (Byl jsem tady předtím, když byl Ben a já spolu)

7. Teď jsem zpět v Orange County. Je to už dlouho, protože jsem cestoval, takže den se cítil další dlouho. Nemohou letadla jít rychleji?! Nebo kdy bude teleportování nabízeno veřejnosti? Kdokoli je v poplatku za beta testování teleportace Uber App (tuber ??) – Zašlete mi prosím pozvánku. Dík.

Pořídil tento obrázek věřící příště, až příště létám, že tady nebude. ?

Teď jsem zpět do domu méně než 48 hodin, než se vydám na obrovský medvěd, CA na výlet se svou rodinou. Už jsem domácí (i když výlet je s mým fam, chci jen být dům – je to hodně pro někoho, kdo za rok nešel mnohem více než 8 mil od domu!). Přeji mi štěstí (že jsem tam, když jsem tam, narazil na obrovského medvěda!).

Pak začnu maratonský trénink. Pojďme!

Marco Island, FL Travel Messages z celoživotního:

Běh na ostrově Marco, FL

Má manatee legální?

Kalifornie vs. Florida

Běžící příspěvky

Běh na písku?

100 mil Tracker vytisknutelné

15 nápady na občerstvení před vedením

Sledujte @RuneatrePeat na Instagramu pro více!

Pošlete mi sešit


Sdílení se stará!








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