Little Nutella Cake for Me

Hello! When we last spoke I had just done a 15 miler and ate pancakes. Ahhh. dobré časy

Yesterday was pretty low key, lunch, errands, bad TV – you know the drill…
MY most current VIDEOS

Jessica Simpson memoir – open book review
Review of Jessica Simpson’s new book – open Book. The singer and entrepreneur spills secrets and behind the scenes surprises all in her memoir.

Review of the Audible book – Jessica Simpson reads it herself! plus there are bonus songs when you get the audio version!

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0 seconds of 6 minutes, 5 seconds

4 minutové stojící jádro cvičení pro běžce


Dinner was a broccoli slaw scramble. Oddly enough Ben finds this meal disgusting and had a turkey burger instead. a lot more for me.

I had two glasses of SkinnyGirl Sangria – I’m loving it!

My main mission yesterday was getting ingredients for my mom’s birthday cake! I was split over what recipe to use after twitter friends gave me a ton of ideas. Ultimately, I went with chocolate over carrot cake considering that it’s 1,000x much easier and wouldn’t involve me shaving off my knuckles as I grated a pound of carrots.

I used Sara’s Flourless Nutella cake, mostly because this would give me an excuse to get Nutella. The ingredients were basic – butter, chocolate, eggs, sugar and nutella.

I got Ben to help in exchange for an early taste of the cake. here he is making stiff peaks

In the end there was chocolate everywhere! I am the messiest cook baker. It was on my shirt, forearm, all over the counters…and a lot got in my mouth.

Ta-da! Fresh out of the oven! The added bonus was I had to get a spring form pan for this recipe and I’ve been wanting one for a while! I found one for $7.99 at a discount store.

Every time I bake something I make a mini-version in a separate ramekin so I can taste it without cutting into the masterpiece. 

We spent the rest of the night trying not to cut into the cake. vegas had to hold Ben down at one point.

Spíš ne. vegas loves to lay on Ben like this. considering that cats love fish I gave him a Swedish Fish, he was not pleased.

Sundays are a rest DAY so I took a great little walk with Ben and made breakfast.

Ben calls this Mexican Eggs Benedict…

We shared fruit

and I made eggs and toast (unpictured turkey bacon was in there somewhere)

I cannot wait to show my mommy her cake! I hope she likes it  

Okay, late for church – see you later!

Pošlete mi sešit


Sdílení se stará!







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