Personal trainer questions Vlog

Hello! I had a good little snack mid-morning when my stomach started complaining. That apple was huge. JustLikeILikeIt.

I really wanted to catch up on blogs today, but knew I ought to be efficient with my time. I have myself 15 minutes for some “power blog reading” and then closed Google Reader. It wasn’t enough time,  maybe I can catch up later!
MY newest VIDEOS

Jak provést trénink dolního těla pro běžce a
Quick tutorial of the lower Body for Runners workout A moves. To zahrnuje:
Sumo Squat
Reverse Lunge – right
Reverse Lunge – left
Lateral Lunge – best
Lateral Lunge – left

Get this month’s workout calendar for Runners now on

Více videí

0 seconds of 3 minutes, 9 seconds

What I eat In A Day – runner edition


Lunch was a layered salad –

Bottom Layer: leftover enchiladas

Middle: Veggies, Pico de Gallo

Top: Beans, hot sauce, hummus

After lunch I attempted to get my Race and travel schedule organized for the entire year. I’ve been saying “yes!” to a lot of races and events and needed to see them all in one place to really get an idea of when stuff is happening.

I think I have my Race calendar for 2012 done – post coming soon!

Apparently, vegas plans on sleeping through July…

Personal trainer Questions

This post has been a long time coming! I get a lot of questions from people considering making a profession change and maybe becoming a trainer. I used to be a recruiter/researcher until I finally got a job as a writer. When that fell through I got depressed. Then, I got moving and chose to follow my passion and become a personal trainer!

I am answering five of the most common questions here and the rest will be in another blog post very soon!

Questions on the vlog:

What made you choose to become a personal trainer?

What sort of control and flexibility do you have within your job? (ie. coaching, classes, personal training sessions)

What are the gratifying points of your job?

What are the less gratifying points of your job?

How do you deal with days when you don’t want to exercise?

If you have a question for me leave it in the comments below or email me at runeatrepeat at gmail

Ever give yourself a time limit on blog reading??

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